Royston Strategy Group
The Group will support the creation and delivery of a regeneration strategy for the Royston area, oversee the process for its implementation, and monitor and review activity
The Group will support the creation and delivery of a regeneration strategy for the Royston area, oversee the process for its implementation, and monitor and review activity
1. Introduction
a) The Group will be known as the Royston Strategy Group
b) The Group will not be formally constituted and will not have legal status
2. Aims and Objectives
a) The Group aims to ensure the co-ordinated planning and delivery of the physical and economic regeneration of the Royston area
b) The Royston area is defined as area bounded by the railway line beyond Charles Street to the north; the M8 motorway to the south; the railway line beyond Glenconner Park to the east and Castle Street to the west
c) The Group will consider activity outwith these boundaries, where appropriate
d) The Group will support the creation and delivery of a regeneration strategy for the Royston area, oversee the process for its implementation, and monitor and review activity
e) The Group will bring together partners to develop stronger working arrangements and consider opportunities for collaboration, integration and interventions consider and develop responses to new economic opportunities and challenges in Royston ensure a strong voice for Royston residents, businesses and public bodies consider the strategic investment priorities that arise
3. Role and responsibilities
The Group will:
a) Propose, discuss, prioritise and agree strategic direction to enable the creation and delivery of the regeneration strategy
b) Ensure all partners have the opportunity to discuss and develop a shared understanding of each other’s’ roles
c) Recommend actions required by partner organisations and support the recommendations and actions agreed by the Group
d) Monitor the progress of the Strategy and assess the success of actions
e) Where appropriate, establish working groups for specific issues and invite individuals with relevant skills, knowledge and experience to join such groups
f) Scrutinise, comment and make recommendations on relevant reports from partner organisations
g) Undertake research and request reports and information on relevant matters
h) Produce its own reports and recommendations
i) Where necessary, invite advisors and experts to provide information, advice and guidance on issues
j) Liaise, co-operate and build upon links with other similar Groups in Glasgow
4. Membership
a) The Group will invite into membership, appropriately constituted agencies and organisations, from business, public and voluntary sectors, with a key role in coordinating, planning and delivering regeneration within Royston
b) The Group will invite into membership Elected Members from Glasgow City Council who represent the Royston area
c) The Group will invite into membership Members of the Scottish Parliament who represent the Royston area
d) Glasgow City Council will be invited into membership. Appropriate Council Departments and arm’s length organisations (ALEO’S) will be invited to represent the Council’s interests
e) Rosemount Development Trust will act as Lead Organisation
f) Members of the Group will share in decision-making processes and commit to contribute time, energy, influence, contacts and, potentially, money. Members will adhere to Group agreements and protocols
g) Regular attendance is vital and representatives of Group members should have sufficient seniority within their organisation to facilitate the necessary resource and policy commitments
h) The Group may co-opt individuals who can bring a particular experience, knowledge or expertise. Co-optees will not be Group members and will not have a vote. Co-option will be agreed by simple majority approval
i) The membership of the Group is appended
j) Group members are expected to cascade information within their own organisations, to other Groups of which they are members, and to raise awareness of the Royston area and its regeneration strategy
k) The proceedings of the Group will not be invalidated by any vacancies amongst the membership
l) Group Members should advise the Lead Organisation of the names of their representatives, where possible
m) Members should try to involve Royston residents in the meetings and activities of the Group, where possible
n) Members wishing to resign from the Group should advise the Lead Organisation in writing o) Members who fail to be represented at three consecutive meetings will be deemed to have resigned from the Group unless otherwise agreed by the Group
5. Meetings
a) The Group will meet at least quarterly
b) A representative of Rosemount Development Trust will act as Chairperson. The duty of Chairperson can be delegated to any other Group member
c) Decisions will be reached by consensus as far as possible and where this is not achieved, decisions will be reached by a vote with each member having one vote
d) Declarations of interest must be disclosed prior to each meeting
e) A meeting will be quorate if at least fifty percent of the members are represented
f) If a meeting is inquorate decisions must be ratified by a subsequent quorate meeting
g) Papers should reach members at least a week in advance of the meeting and may be submitted by any member organisation
h) Urgent matters can be considered and debated with the agreement of those present
i) Minutes will be kept by member organisations and can be made available on request to any interested parties and the public. This requirement will be balanced against the need to protect sensitive information
j) Meetings will generally be held in private but there will be an option of meeting in public if agreed by members
k) Administrative support will be agreed by Group members
6. Funding
a) Recognising that Group members’ individual Boards and Committees have ultimate responsibility for funding bids made by their own organisation, in the event of the Group deciding to bid for resources, prior agreement will be made upon: which partner will take the lead role in bidding for resources and what process will be followed to ensure all partners can input as required how Group members will approve the final bid before submission how the resources will be used and how their use be monitored and reported to the Group b) Group members can seek and secure funding in their own right
7. Terms of Reference
a) The Group may amend its Terms of Reference
b) Proposed amendments must be sent to members at least 10 days in advance of a meeting and must be agreed by a majority decision at a Group meeting
8. Dissolution
a) The Group may agree that there will be dissolution by giving 6 months’ notice to allow alternative arrangements to be put in place.
Royston Strategy Group Members:
As at 30 August 2019:
Royston Strategy Group Members:
1) Blochairn Housing Association
2) Copperworks Housing Co-operative
3) Councillors: Allan Casey; Kim Long; Elaine McDougall
4) Bob Doris MSP
5) Glasgow City Council (Departments and ALEO’s representing the Council include Development & Regeneration Services; Education Services and Jobs & Business Glasgow)
6) Glasgow Housing Association (Royston Corridor Homes)
7) Member of the Scottish Parliament: Bob Doris MSP
8) Rosemount Development Trust
9) Rosemount Lifelong Learning
10) Royston Youth Action
11) Spire View Housing Association