Blochairn Housing Association aims to provide a first class service but there may be occasions when you are not happy about something and, if this is the case, it is important that you tell us. This procedure tells you what to do if you want to make a complaint. It also allows us to monitor the quality of service we provide; to continually work to improve it and to learn from our mistakes.
What is a Complaint?
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction about something we have done or something we have failed to do; or about our standard of service. For example,
• a repair has not been carried out properly
• you have not received information you asked for
• you feel that you have not been treated reasonably
• you feel your housing application has not been handled properly
• you feel you have been unfairly discriminated against
Not every concern raised with us is a complaint. For example, a complaint is not
• a first request for a service
• a request for information
• a request for an explanation of our policy or practice
There might be things we can’t deal with as a complaint, for example
• insurance claims
• if we have already investigated and given a final decision on a complaint
• if the matter is being considered by a court or a tribunal
Complaints against neighbours will be dealt with under our neighbour disputes procedure. But if you have a complaint about how we dealt with a neighbour dispute, then you can use the Complaints Procedure.
We will always deal with complaints sympathetically but there are some things we will not be able to give you information about. For example, it would be wrong for us to talk to you about details of someone else’s housing application. We can, of course, talk to you about how the allocations procedure works.